Father’s Day is on its way and you’re staring at ads for fishing poles and cargo shorts, uninspired. No worries, friends, we’re sweeping in to the rescue with eight unique and personalized gift ideas designed by PicMonkeyers, to remind the dad in your life that he’s loved.
1. Dibs for Delights
Coupon books are a creative way to show your appreciation for Dad and give him exactly what he wants: free time to do what he loves. Cul-de-sac Cool created this quick Father’s Day coupon book.
PicMonkey tip: Create your coupon book in Collage, and each cell can be a page in your booklet. Use the Square Deal layout, unlock the dimensions (click the padlock in the bottom toolbar) and set it to 1700 x 2200 pixels; that’ll print out on 8½ x 11 inch paper nicely. Increase the spacing in the Backgrounds tab if you need fatter margins for your printer. Click Edit in the top tool bar to move your project into the Editor, where you can to add text and graphics. Print it and cut individual pages along the cell lines.
2. Kisses for Papa

Create portable kisses from home for Dad with this simple and adorable treat jar (or treat baggie) from My Sister’s Suitcase.
PicMonkey tip: Click the Design button on the homepage to create a blank canvas for your groovy jar or baggie label. We have over 100 PicMonkey fonts for you to play with you can experiment with style, size, and color until you hit the perfect combination.
3. Touch o’ Class

For the Dad who embraces that vintage touch, The Mother Huddle thought of this great way to re-purpose an antique pocket watch into a mini photo album of his favorite peeps.
PicMonkey tip: From the Editor choose the Crop tool and select Square from the drop down menu. Determine the dimension you need. Plan for a printer resolution of 300 pixels per inch; so, for example, if your circle is one inch in diameter, you’ll enter dimensions of 300 x 300 pixels. In the Frames tab, select Rounded Corners and adjust to make a perfect circle. Ta-da!
4. Spell it Out with Siblings

Do you love the idea of taking a photo of your kids holding those large craft letters, but haven’t made it to the craft store? Kim over at The Celebration Shoppe had the ingenious idea of using her kids as the actual letters.
PicMonkey tip: Make this lovely card in Collage. You can edit each individual photo within Collage by clicking the Edit button in the top left corner of the image. Once you’re happy with the collage save it. Now from the PicMonkey homepage and open a square canvas in Design. Choose a canvas color or add a texture. Head on over to the Graphics tab click the Your Own button to import the Collage you previously created. Have a blast adding Text and Graphics to create a custom card specific to your Dad.
5. Letters of Love

For those of you who actually made it to the store for crafty letters here is an adorable collage of goodness created by Brittany at the Coleman Chronicles.
PicMonkey tip: In Collage Layouts find Cards and select the layout you want. Change up your border color and width, or round your photo’s corners by selecting the Background tab within Collage.
6. Describe Your Dad

What adjectives come to mind when you think of Dad? Collect your favorites and embellish a photo with an acrostic poem.
PicMonkey tip: Use separate text boxes for each of your words so that you can line up the letters precisely.
7. Tats for Tots

Freckle Photo shared this quick and goofy idea. Tattoo your love for dad on the bottom of your kiddies feet to create a special message.
PicMonkey tip: To make the feet in your photo pop, apply the Soften effect to your whole photo and then use the paintbrush to remove the effect over the feet.
8. Three Dimensional Dad

Stitch and Craft Creations puts a new twist on the traditional framed photo by layering three images in a shadow box to create a pop-out effect.
PicMonkey tip: Dad looks great, but the Capitol is a bit dark? Use PicMonkey to edit each photo separately for an optimal look.