When you’re a kid, Father’s Day is all about cute crafts and cards made with crayons. But you made it to adulthood, likely due in part to your dad’s efforts, and now handing him a “No. 1 dad” ribbon made from construction paper wouldn’t be quite so charming. We’ve got you covered, with creative Father’s Day card (and gift pairing!) ideas you can hand your dad regardless of your age. Check them out below, then head to the Editor to make your own personalized version.
Gettin’ saucy

This paean to Sriracha is for foodie dads. Represent his love for grub with a transformed glue bottle graphic from the School U theme. Hand this card to your dad over a home cooked meal, or take him out for something delicious, and you’ll likely move into the “favorite child” slot.
Tip: Get rid of the “Glue” label on this bottle graphic by swinging a rectangle (from Geometric) vertical and placing it over the top of the label. Use the color options on the Graphic palette to match the color of your rectangle to the color of your bottle, and you’ve changed kindergarteners’ favorite edible school supply into your dad’s sauce of choice.
Sweet collage

We both know you were a cute kid. Remind your dad of your adorableness and bring in a sense of nostalgia by rounding up a photo from your younger years, and transforming it into a photo card. Pair it with a gift that coordinates with the photo—if your dad’s been a Converse kind of guy since you were tiny, gift him a new pair of Chucks. If it’s a pic of you two on a bike ride, pick a destination and go on a new two-wheeled adventure.
Tip: To get a horizontal, borderless layout like the one seen here, head to Collage and find Ducks in a Row in the Layouts tab. Get rid of the space between the collage cells by dialing the Spacing slider in the Background tab to zilch. Need more info on our Collage tool? Check out our Every Question Answering Intro to Collage article.
Not fit to be (neck)tied

This year, pay homage to one of the most classic Father’s Day gifts around, without adding another rarely-if-ever worn necktie to your dad’s folder. Design your own by getting creative with our graphics, a.k.a. graphics, in the Graphics tab. The pentagon and triangle in Geometric make it easy to channel your inner virtual fashion designer. If you’re going the gift route, pair this card with a pocket square or tie clip to accompany those bajillion neckties you gave your dad on past Father’s Days.
Tip: Hold the shift key to stretch your shapes horizontally or vertically, and you’ll have a new necktie in no time.
You da man

If your dad’s favorite hobbies include devouring slabs of bacon and seeking solitude in people-less places, he’ll appreciate a card acknowledging his Ron Swanson-like qualities. If the outdoors aren’t your dad’s jam, swap out the sentiment and woodsy graphic selections (from Sprigs & Twigs) with something that better aligns with his interests. A new Swiss army knife or camping gear make excellent gift pairings for this card design.
Tip: Looking for this stylish background? Create a single-cell layout in Collage and find it in the Swatches tab. Click Edit in the top toolbar to add graphics and text in the Editor.
Heaven helmet us

Action flick-loving father figures will flip over a custom Father’s Day card bearing the garb of their beloved super beings (find them in the Themes tab, under Comic Heroes). Earn extra brownie points by throwing in a few tickets to the latest blockbuster, or spend the day watching your favorite superhero films together.
Hairy situation

Applaud your stache-tastic dad’s follicles and thank him for your own stunning appearance with some simple text and a Tom Selleck-worthy tuft of facial hair. You can find a selection of mustaches in the Graphics tab under People Toppers. Pair this good lookin’ card with a mustache trimming kit or certificate for a professional shave.
Tip: To make your ‘stache match your text, click the color picker in the Text palette. An eyedropper will appear, which you can use to pull the color from the mustache. Learn more about customizing colors in our article about using your own good stuff in PicMonkey.